Collider has recently updated its ranking of the 15 Best Action Movies of 2023, which includes ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ and ‘John Wick : Chapter 4′.
2023 proved to be a remarkable year for action cinema, offering audiences a plethora of exhilarating films poised to endure in popularity for years to come. From gripping sports dramas to mind-bending sci-fi thrillers and uproarious action-comedies, the year showcased a diverse array of subgenres and styles. Iconic characters such as John Wick and Indiana Jones made their highly anticipated returns, while fresh and innovative concepts introduced new perspectives to the genre, potentially paving the way for future franchises.
Amidst this year’s cinematic bounty, the action films excelled in crafting immersive experiences, blending thoughtful character development with pulse-pounding action sequences grounded in reality. With advancements in filmmaking technology enhancing the visual spectacle, audiences flocked to theaters, propelling films like ‘John Wick: Chapter 4‘ to impressive box office success. This steadfast enthusiasm underscores the enduring appeal of action cinema, highlighting a continued appetite for electrifying narratives and relatable heroes.
At The Yard, we are very proud to see two films for which our teams provided VFX ranked as part of Collider’s 15 Best Action Movies of 2023:

#11 : Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Find below Collider’s comment on ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny‘ :
« Dial of Destiny boasts many great action set pieces that hark back to the series’ heyday, like the horse chase on the subway. Director James Mangold also does a fine job with the period touches that evoke the look and feel of 1969 (something which was lacking from the last movie). However, there are also times when the film stumbles, such as the World War II flashback featuring a de-aged Ford is somewhat unsettling, and the script feels a little too color-by-numbers. However, when Dial of Destiny works, it works. The scene where John Williams‘ iconic theme music hits as Indy and Helena are adventuring makes for one of the year’s most satisfying movie moments. »

#2 : John Wick : Chapter 4
Find below Collider’s comment on ‘John Wick : Chapter 4‘ :
« As usual, the film boasts exotic locales and exquisite fight choreography. The stunt work is simply phenomenal and the effects are sleek. Wick chops, kicks, and blasts his way through countless bad guys, and the whole thing is a pure treat to watch. The film could have used a little more judicious editing (the movie is close to three hours long) but John Wick: Chapter 4 deserves props for more than matching the high bar set by its predecessors. »
We sincerely congratulate all the teams who have worked on these two films.
To read Collider’s full ranking, please click here.