J.FIG 2023 – A must-attend CG event in France

  • 2023-11-28
J.FIG (Les Journées Françaises de l’Informatique Graphique) 2023 successfully took place on November 8th in Montpellier. If you did not have the chance to attend the event, here are some key highlights shared by The Yard team !

Strengthening the links between academia, research and industry

The French Days of Computer Graphics, J.FIG, were organized this year in Montpellier by the ICAR team of LIRMM  and Montpellier University. The new edition brought together representatives from various institutions and organizations specialized in computer graphics, making it a conducive space for exchanges between associate professors, researchers and research directors, government officials, and industry professionals.

Alexis Oblet, CTO of The Yard, participated in the J.FIG 2023 event organized in Montpellier.

A content-rich programme

This year, French expertise and academic excellence in CG were showcased in a content-rich three day programme. Paper presentations, talks, and roundtable discussions, addressed challenges and constraints faced by each party on a large array of topics.

Indeed attendees enjoyed sessions with highly specialized content such as procedural generation, modeling & interaction, data structuring, rendering or user behavior in immersive environment, among many others. Participants also tackled more global topics such as the evolution of higher education and the environmental impact. The conference also offered the opportunity to learn about the the latest updates from France 2030 research programme led by CNRS (ICCARE).

As the only guest speaker representing a VFX studio, Alexis Oblet, CTO of The Yard, participated in three conferences during the opening day :

Alexis Oblet, CTO of The Yard, participated in the 2023 JFIG, and hosted a presentation in the industrial session entitled "VFX and next-generation technology : how to strengthen collaboration between industry and research"
Alexis Oblet, CTO of The Yard, participated in the 2023 JFIG, and hosted a presentation entitled "How to conquer more complex international VFX projects"
Alexis Oblet, CTO of The Yard, participated in the 2023 JFIG, and participated to a round table discussion with university professors, labs engineer, CTO of Les Fées Spéciales, about higher education entitled "From imparted skills to expected know-how : the case of computer graphics"

The full programme and the presentation content can be retrieved on the event’s website by clicking here.

From research to direct application

The excellent papers presented at the event indeed enriched our reflections on the graphic application side.

The thesis on Gabor Noise limitations presented by Thibault Tricard, who was awarded the 2023 J.FIG prize, received particular attention and was analyzed by our R&D team. It follows Thibault Tricard’s previous submission to Eurographics 2022 entitled ‘Procedural Noises for the Design of Small-Scale Structures in Additive Manufacturing,’ which led to the implementation of a tool blending multiple procedural noises. Our teams expect that the implementation of these papers will enhance possibilities in shading and the generation of procedural terrains. The direct application targets patterns such as dunes, fingerprints, bark, canyons, etc.

Thibault Tricard presents his thesis on Gabor Noise at J.FIG 2023 event.

Networking – and the necessity to nurture interactions

With such a variety of profiles and the richness of content, the event created invaluable opportunities for networking and initiating collaborations. It was a real pleasure to meet again with our partners from ArtFX, which presented its students’ graduation films, INRIA and LIRMM at this occasion.

Noura Faraj, Associate Professor at LIRMM Montpellier, France, organized the 2023 JFIG event, gathering researchers and professionals in CG fields and invited Alexis Oblet, CTO of The Yard VFX to participate in the three-day conference.

The J.FIG event highlighted the importance of interactions between research and industry. Research is necessary to continually improve the everyday work of professionals and push the boundaries of computer graphics to create extraordinary experiences. However, when dissociated from the industry’s concerns, research cannot be echoed in practicality.


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