‘Damsel’, directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo’s, starring Millie Bobby Brown, captivates audiences in the United States and around the globe.
In the vast realm of Netflix’s ever-expanding library, one film has captivated audiences worldwide, rightfully claiming its place among the streaming giant’s most-watched features. « Damsel, » the latest film of acclaimed director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, starring the talented Millie Bobby Brown, has emerged as a true sensation, enchanting viewers with its with its unconventional narrative and stunning visuals.
A few days after its release on March 8th, « Damsel » seized the leading position among Netflix’s most-viewed films and left an indelible mark on Nielsen‘s charts, swiftly ascending to the coveted No. 2 spot. In just two days, it amassed a remarkable 1.2 billion viewing minutes, cementing its status as the inaugural film to grace the US Streaming TV Top 10 programs during its premiere week.

Deadline reports that the film’s success has only continued to soar, accumulating a total of 120.8 million views and counting.
As it enters its fifth week of availability on Netflix, « Damsel » continues to attract viewership, maintaining its position within the Top 10 most watched films on the platform. The numbers speak volumes, with the film amassing a staggering 9 million hours of views in the previous week alone.
Behind the scenes, the talented teams at The Yard celebrate these great achievements, having proudly contributed their expertise in VFX to bring « Damsel » to screen.
Critics and audiences alike have lauded the film for its inventive storytelling and stunning imagery. Nada Abdulaziz of The Pitt News praises the film’s ability to subvert traditional fairy tale tropes, transforming clichés into a mesmerizing and innovative narrative. Indeed, At the heart of « Damsel » lies a cast of characters brought to life by a stellar ensemble of actors, including the formidable Shohreh Aghdashloo, whose portrayal of the dragonness adds an extra layer of complexity to the tale.
In a twist befitting of its genre-bending nature, ‘Damsel’ challenges expectations, defying conventions to deliver a truly unforgettable cinematic experience. With each passing day, the film edges closer to etching its name into the annals of Netflix’s most popular films list. As Deadline reports, it only needs about 15M more views to claim the 10th place. So don’t wait and watch ‘DAMSEL‘ on Netflix now !