The big VFX in Halo – Season 2

  • 2024-06-11
Creatures, battles, environments – discover the VFX in ‘Halo – Season 2’ with the show’s VFX supervisor Wojciech Zielinski ! 

Ian Failes of ‘Befores & Afters‘ recently discussed the visual effects of ‘Halo – Season 2‘ with the show’s VFX supervisor, Wojciech Zielinski. In an exclusive podcast, they delve into various aspects of this complex project, which aimed to convey a darker and grittier atmosphere centered around the characters.

Failes and Zielinski explore the methodology behind the VFX, including shooting the battles, executing on-set stunts, animating creatures, and crafting environments. In doing so, they focus on the seamless crossover between practical and digital visual effects, especially for the multiple worlds that required CG environments.

Listen to this insightful podcast by clicking below:

In addition to the podcast, ‘Befores & Afters’ has shared exclusive behind-the-scenes content of the show. If you want to discover some of the impressive environment work our team at The Yard contributed, watch the videos below. These videos showcase the VFX efforts of multiple vendors, including The Yard.

There is so much more to learn about the VFX in Halo – Season 2′  – so don’t wait to visit Befores & Afters website by clicking here.


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