Dark Matters, PICS Studio and ArtFX talk about The Yard’s opening in Montpellier

  • 2023-08-01
On June 20, The Yard celebrated its opening in Montpellier. Listen to our strategic partners Dark Matters, PICS Studio and ArtFX talking about the importance of the studio’s expansion in Occitanie region ! 

Last month, on June 20, The Yard VFX celebrated the opening of its new studio in Montpellier during a very special evening party, which was attended by major players in Montpellier and Occitanie region, including our key partners : ArtFX school, Dark Matters, PICS Studio and GGL. On this special occasion, we asked them to talk about the impact of the settling in Occitanie region.

On this special occasion, Jean-Louis Eude, Chief Financial Officer, Dark Matters, commented on the collaboration with The Yard :

Jean-Louis Eude, CFO, Dark Matters, talking at the opening of The Yard VFX in Montpellier.

We've had the pleasure of working with The Yard for many years and appreciate the quality of their work. Coming together here in Montpellier is a wonderful opportunity to build a new adventure.

Jean Louis EudeCFO, Dark Matters

Sebastien Giraud, Managing Director of PICS Studio, reminded the importance of collaboration between the local actors to make the regional film industry thrive:

Sebastien Giraud, Managing Director, PICS Studio, talks about the importance of collaboration in the film industry at The Yard VFX opening party in Montpellier.

PICS Studio was founded on a firm conviction : for the film and audiovisual industry to thrive in a market, which is now global, it needs to act in a collegial and collective manner. With all our partners, including The Yard, we have embarked on a human adventure, fueled by experience sharing and collaboration.

Sebastien GiraudManaging Director, PICS Studio

Alain Guiraudon, President of PICS Studio, stressed the multiple opportunities that will arise from the opening of The Yard in Montpellier :

Alain Guiraudon, President of PICS Studio, comments the opportunities for the region created by The Yard VFX opening in Montpellier

The arrival of The Yard is a fantastic news in many ways. We're lucky enough to have a top-notch training program here in Montpellier. The opening of The Yard will give young talent the opportunity to choose to stay here or move and live the world. And it's also a great opportunity, because it will help a lot of people to get their minds off things. We have a lot of complexes that are today totally inappropriate. The Yard will be able to fully play its role as a leader for the whole region.

Alain GuiraudonPresident, PICS Studios

Simon Vanesse, Managing Director, explains the benefits of the opening of The Yard in Montpellier in regards to the attractiveness of the region and the school-to-studio partnership between ArtFX and The Yard :

Simon Vanesse, Managing Director of ArtFX School, talks about the opening of The Yard in Montpellier.

We're delighted that The Yard is moving to Montpellier. As a school, we've always wanted to attract major studios in the region. The arrival of The Yard is proof that Montpellier is attractive for the VFX industry and that it will continue to develop locally. It's also great news for our partnership. We'll be able to continue pooling our thoughts on the future of VFX, to allow our students to benefits from the experience and knowledge of The Yard teams during masterclasses, and to continue our collaboration also through our endowment fund, which enables us to welcome more varied profiles so that studios can benefit from more diverse talent. This year, we were able to help five students, including three from Ukraine.

Simon VanesseManaging Director, ArtFX

Luc Pourrinet, Head of Development of ArtFX, stressed The Yard’s experience on international projects, which is unique in Occitanie region :

Luc Pourrinet, Head od Development, ArtFX, comments on the uniquess of The Yard's experience in international projects in Occitanie region.

The arrival of The Yard in Montpellier represents an opportunity for our students and for the school to integrate new, different and international experiences into our curricula, something that didn't really exist until now in Occitanie. It's also an opportunity for our young graduates to work on large-scale international projects.

Luc PourrinetHead of Development, ArtFX

Watch below their complete testimonials (in French):

Credits Video : Luca Cheynut and Florian Rousset-Puy


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